Monday, May 18, 2009

Just to funny not to post

A lot of quotes recently, but recently our house has been dang funny. After asking Luke to stop eating chips, put them back on the counter, and then vacuum up because he'd made a huge mess he says...

Luke: (with a mouth full of chips) Stop being mad woman!

Me: What?!? (partially shocked, mostly laughing)


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness, I love your boys. They are so cute and so funny! And oh my goodness I am so happy for you!!!! We will have to talk soon! :)

Kira said...

Hey. Where did he come up with that?

Stephen & Lauren Reber said...

Your boys say the best things. I love it! And how are you doing??? Where are you guys headed--I haven't heard what's in the cards for the Rollin's next move. (Please say that TX is somewhere in the title--that would be awesome!)

Myra said...

Nicole, I hope you don't mind, but I was writing an essay about motherhood and included this story. It just fit in so well with what I wanted to say. Kinds say the greatest thing! If you don't like what I wrote (it's on my blog) let me know, and I'll change it right away.