Saturday, January 8, 2011

Humidity Pleeeeaaase!

My naturally dry skin, combined with a hard water system, combined with Utah's terribly dry atmosphere, combined with having turned 30, is doing a number on my skin and it is NOT pretty.  I'm telling you I could put straight Crisco on my skin and not break out.  Do the ashy appearance, flaky elbows, magnified fine lines (Do you like that description?  I'm not calling them wrinkles quite yet.  Maybe when I reach 35, but for now they are just fine lines.  Got it?), the itchy, enhanced eczema bother me??  Yes.  That is, everywhere except my hands, which are possibly more dry and aged than anything else on my body.  Why, do you ask, am I not bothered by my 'oh, not so pretty' hands?  Because like my mother and my grandmother we have hands that mature faster than our age.  And so, when I look at my hands I'm reminded of them and where I have come from and it makes me smile.


Sarah said...

I feel for you! We were only in Utah for a few days and I couldn't believe how fast my skin, hair, eyes - everything- dried out. You could always come visit here for an escape! :) I am now adapting fine lines to my description of the lines on my face as well. It is definitely much more applicable :)

Paul, Kami and Henry said...

Good positive spin on aging hands! I think you're crazy, though. Those itty-bitty hands of yours don't look a day over 10 years old.

Anna M said...

I loved your family photos!

MelRol said...

I'm not calling them wrinkles until I'm at least 50.

Your trip looked so fun, I'm jealous!