Before church. Really, it's quite impossible to get a good picture of multiple children without serious photo shop.
Philip's Wedding at the Oakland Temple
BYU Football
Greta's perfect face is now permantly blemished since September. She ran her lip into a metal table while trying to climb on the metal bench. The stitch was debatable, only 1 stitch. Grandpa happened to be working a shift so I took her in. He said because it's only one stitch, one needle poke, she didn't need to be numbed. Either one poke to numb and then another to stitch, or just one poke to stitch. The worst part was the burrito bind they put her in to keep her still. I couldn't stay in the room. She was fine as soon as they let her out of the burrito and fortunately for Grandpa she forgot or didn't care that he inflicted so much torture. Went right to him the next day. Even with the stitch it's pretty scared. Hopefully she won't ever care. Fingers Crossed.