Sunday, March 30, 2008

Parenting Class Conclusion

Last Friday I attended the last parenting class of the session and although there were no written requirements for the class I'm feeling like a brief summary is needed. Ahem...After little meditation I've determined that these classes were full of common sense. However, after more meditation, I've decided much of it was helpful to hear in order to remind me of what's best for my kids. For example, 2 lessons were dedicated to learning about self control. They reviewed how to recognize when you're losing control and how to calm yourself when beginning to lose it. Of course this is a skill no one is perfect at and by reviewing it in a classroom setting I found myself simply thinking about it throughout the respective weeks and working harder to "keep it together."

So, No, these classes were not a waste of time and I'm sure my family appreciated my added efforts to maintain control. These classes can be compared to going to church each week...for those of us who have been attending church since birth it can be said that, "I've heard it before." However, by hearing and talking about it again we are reminded of how we should be living so that we can be happy.

Hopefully, because of the reminders, we will work (effort required) towards becoming a better, happier person (and parent).


Alissa said...

the biggest thing about parenting classes for me is reminding myself that i'm not there for them to teach me how to change my kids... it's for ME to change...

Sarah said...

Nicole, you are so sweet. I think it's really cool you did the parenting classes - I would have assumed I wouldn't need them since I am such a perfect parent (ha!) but I think I could totally use some reminders. Thanks for sharing them with me :) And I just read the post on Little Women that you did and I have to tell you it is one of my favorite books. And I can't even handle thinking about Jo being a lesbian! Aaa! No way jose. But let's be honest, lesbian or not, how is it even possible to resist a character that can be played by Christian Bale? That totally kills me!

Stephen + Lauren Reber said...

Nicole, you are so awesome and such a sweet parent.

I remember when my mom took a parenting class and she came home and shared what she had learned with us. One of their pieces of wisdom was that parents should "stop, look, and listen" when their kids were trying to get a parent's attention. Man, did we ever use that quote against her for the longest time ever. So, parenting classes are great, but don't share those pearls of wisdom with your kids cause they'll hold is against you :)